Ready to Sell Your Home?

I would love to hear from you! 850.502.7927


Selling your home is a big task to take on and your home is likely to be your biggest asset. The process of selling your home is one that should be entered into carefully and with the knowledge necessary for a positive financial outcome. Denise is here to help you sell your home. She is committed to being invested in your home’s potential and will be engaged throughout every step, from preparing your home for sale, to pricing and negotiating, marketing your home, and finally, in closing.

What is Your Home Worth?

Discovering the answer to this question is one of the first steps to selling your home, and can be determined by a variety of different factors. Denise can provide you with information regarding the current housing market and can help to evaluate your home’s current condition in terms of market worth, as these are two key components to knowing the current value of your home.

The Importance of the Right Real Estate Agent

Being on the selling end of a real estate transaction is quite different from being on the buying end. There is so much decision-making and preparation that goes into selling a home, and making the wrong moves can be detrimental to your home’s ability to sell for its highest worth, which is always the ultimate goal.

·         A good agent will help you discover necessary improvements to prepare your home for the market.

·         A good agent has extensive knowledge of the housing market and can help you master the art of timing.

·         A good agent will know the current and historical market performance of homes similar to yours, helping to determine an appropriate listing price.

The list goes on and on, but the good news is that you have come to the right place to find the right real estate agent for you. Denise Greene is just the seasoned Realtor that you need to get the most out of selling your home.

Making Sure the Price is Right

Pricing your home is a critical component to your home’s selling success. In order to sell your home at its highest potential, you need an experienced agent with proper knowledge of the housing market. Denise Greene has the experience and resources necessary to making smart decisions when it comes to determining a listing price for your home. She brings to the table educated information regarding –

·          Seasonal market changes and fluctuations

·          Factors such as school systems and area attractions that affect market pricing

·      Research on current interest rates

·      Current pre-approval and loan trends in your area

Preparing Your Home for the Market

Are the kitchen appliances in your home outdated? Is your home far overdue for a deep cleaning? There are a lot of things that may need to be changed or updated in your home before placing it on the market. As your Realtor, Denise will be able to evaluate the current condition of your home and compare it to other similar homes that have been sold successfully under the current market conditions.

Selling a home is much like selling any other product on the market – presentation and highlighting your home’s most attractive assets are key components to a successful listing. Things such as making necessary home repairs and removing unnecessary clutter from your home can make a huge difference in how successful your home will be on the market. Denise can give you the professional advice that you need to ensure the necessary adjustments are made without investing too much financially.

Marketing Your Home

Your Realtor’s ability to properly market your home to potential buyers can make all the difference in the world. Marketing is a huge part of a successful real estate business. Denise Greene has access to, and knows how to successfully utilize, an abundance of marketing resources in our area.


Photography is a key ingredient to marketing your home’s features ‘in their best light’ – literally and figuratively. The pictures on your home’s listing are the first thing that will grab the attention of potential buyers. These photos should serve as the glamour shots of your home, making it nearly impossible for buyer’s not to want to see it in person.

MLS Listing

The background that Denise Greene has in Resort and Second Home Property real estate has made her a master at creating the perfect MLS listing. She knows how to sculpt a MLS listing that will have potential buyers daydreaming about a lifestyle or vacation spent in your home.

Home Staging & Open Houses

Once your home is officially on the market, it is of high importance that it be staged appropriately for showings and open houses, and Denise has the eye for getting it just right. The initial first impression of a potential buyer is of utmost importance. You want a buyer to walk in the door and immediately start to envision their own life in your home, and a good Realtor knows how to achieve that.